[b][center]Caien Cobb[/center][/b] After the whole running around in a dumpster thing Cai really wanted some long sleepy mornings. But it seemed he was not going to get more than one, because the next day was [i]the[/i] day. The day that was fun wherever in America you were. The day that you could dress up and do awesome things without anyone blinking twice about it. It was Halloween. Which meant a couple of things actually. First, and foremost, he had to find a good costume. Secondly, he got to do all kinds of stuff. And yes, it was finding a costume. He didn't bring one or something so he would have to... find one. But hey, there were enough kids in ther Hermes cabin. Surely some of them must have some interesting stuff. He himself only had that iron bar that Jack had given to him, if that hadn't been stolen. Cai's hand searched below his bed and he was relieved when his fingers touched the cold metal. Speaking of Jack, that guy had it so easy on Halloween. He just turned into a skeleton and everyone would be amazed by how good it looked. Maybe he should have drunk more milk. He rolled his eyes at his own thought and forced himself to get out of bed. Space in the cabin was cramped and the atmosphere was busy eventhough it was rather early in the morning. Cai decided to start his scavenger hunt now. He knew what he wanted and surely in this camp full of fighters he should find what he needed. He was a son of Hermes all right, so it was only appropriate that he would dress as an [i]epic[/i] thief. In bed he had pondered about who he would chose. There were quite a few different people he could chose between. But then he had remembered how his mom and he had stayed at a place with a gameconsole once and he had played the shit out this one game. Thief. Garrett. He wanted to be that guy. So he set out. The basic black clothing was easy because he wore black quite often. He stole the boots from some guy in the cabin. They were nice and comfy. A little bit too wide around his calves but that was okay. He used the armory to get some awesome leather straps and basic leather padding. The kids from the god of forgery would probably not be happy if they found out that it was Cai who had taken away random parts and a quiver, but hey, they would have to live with that. From a black cloth he found somewhere in the corner of his cabin he fabricated a hood and a cape. Now it was just his face whiter and his eyes darker. And black hair. Cai decided to disregard that fact. He didn't want to color his hair black. He happened to like his blond locks. Besides with the hoodie over his head, you wouldn't be able to see it anyway. In the end he checked himself out in the mirror. He didn't look quite like the guy since he was shorter and way less buff, but the [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140223020430/thiefgame/images/1/17/G_garrett.png]basic costume[/url] was there. He was an epic thief now. Quietly he snuck out of the cabin and made his way to the group of people. Super stealthy - according to himself - he sneaked behind the guy who he thought was named Austin. With a quick move he snatched the ears from his head and casually walked to the other side of the group, placing the object on his head. [b]"You guys look amazing."[/b] He said in the general direction of both the boys and the girls. His eyes lingered on Thane. [b]"Did you make those costumes yourself? I mean everyone except Jack. He is the luckiest guy with Halloween I swear."[/b]