[center][b]New Teammates! Ryuu and Kuni meet each other![/b] [i]A collab between Jasonhero and Mr Nim[/i][/center] [hider=Meeting a Teammate] [b]"I never judge anyone from first appearance. Unless they have a very unusual appearance. But then I would usually comment on how they appear and not try to make assumptions as to how they'll act.[/b]" Kuni said, tilting her head to the right a bit as she saw the way he reacted to what he just said. Wondering if he didn't quite intend on saying it, she decided that it would probably be best to just let the topic go and move onto another [b]"So you've already met Eiji-sensei! What do you think about him? And do you know where he is? I thought he would be around and waiting for me."[/b] She said and moved to stand on her toes once more, trying to spot the red haired man she knew so well. "He used a Clone technique at first that I didn't even pick up with my Sharingan in the few seconds I used it. So I think he is rather good there. He mentioned something about chasing after a person? I don't think he said much else." Ryuu said as he looked at the girl standing on her toes to try to find their Sensei. "So... how was your match?" Ryuu said quietly, half hoping that she wouldn't hear him so that he didn't have to continue this interaction long. He wasn't very used to talking to people after all. Wondering what a sharingan is, Kuni once more got down to stand properly on her feet before paying full attention to him, nearly missing his quietly asked question [b]"Well, my match didn't go the best it could. I didn't let my opponent have a proper chance to attack me, but due to certain...."[/b] She hesitated for a moment on how she should say it and if she should even tell him about what she is. They only just met and he didn't appear to be very talkative [b]"Due to certain things, I had to give up the match. Lets just say that I didn't mind and ended up getting to know a new friend."[/b] She said with a smile, wondering what arena will Reyna be facing when her match in the next round comes. Ryuu raised an eyebrow when she mentioned that she had given up her match. That was something he never really expected to hear any Shinobi mention. He picked up on how she had to stop in order to think about what she was going to say. So Kuni was hiding something as well. But everybody was entitled to their own secrets. "Well, hopefully you can count me as a new friend as well, so you can rack up that count to two today." Ryuu added with a soft smile to the girl/ Seeing Ryuu's smile made Kuni let out a small giggle [b]"I'm glad to hear so Ryuu. I hope you'll excuse me for doing this, as I don't usually do this..."[/b] She said and rubbed her left arm with her right hand [b]"But I think I'm gonna go look for Eiji and make sure that he managed to find the person he was looking for alright. Knowing him, he will probably turn half of Amegakure upside down to find that person. So I need to make sure everything turns out alright. If you find that rude or anything I can always make up for it by spending time with you some other time. Alright?"[/b] She said and lowered her right hand, looking at him with an apologizing expression. "I can always help you try to find him, he is my Sensei as well." Ryuu said quickly in response to the girl. He wanted to help her at least. Maybe having somebody around who was actually nice to him would be a refreshing change, the boy thought to himself as he looked over the girl. "With my Sharingan, I could probably get an edge on finding him in the crowd. Since I have seen him earlier while it was in use, I can tell Eiji-Sensei's movements apart from others down to the slightest movement" He said, hoping she would accept his offer for help. [b]"Okay, sorry for sounding a bit stupid, but whats a Sharingan? Sounds odd. Is that a type of camera?"[/b] Kuni asked, wondering what that is. She then considered his offer a bit more. If that 'Sharingan' thing could help them find Eiji with more ease, then why not have him tag along? Then again, its not like she really needed any help. She knew Eiji very well and knew Sachi as well, so she could assume where the infant had gone off into. She really liked how curious Sachi was turning out to be. Just like Kuni was. Looking at Ryuu again, she came to a decision [b]"Sure, you can help me look for Eiji. But we best start going now, because most of the matches have ended by now and it will be difficult finding him among all of the people that came to watch."[/b] She said and grabbed his hand before beginning to pull him in one direction, figuring that was the most likely direction he will be at. "The Sharingan is the Uchiha Kekkei-Genkai. It's a visual Jutsu." Ryuu explained before he was pulled in a direction. The boy followed Kuni, and as they walked he began to focus his Chakra. "Sharingan!" The boy said, as it was with most Jutsu the user did have to say the name as part of the releasing of chakra, and unfortunately Ryuu was not yet skilled enough to use the Sharingan without having to do that. On that note his eyes switched over to being red, as was typical of the Sharingan. He began searching for Eiji Sensei's Movement [/hider]