[b]On the roof of a tall building overlooking the SCPD[/b] Apollo had been sitting silently, watching the SCPD and it's robotic guards bustle around for about three hours. Since his release from the Underworld, he had stayed low, taking note of the changes in the world since his death and subsequent capture at Hades' hands. After his harrowing escape, thanks to his father, he had been visited by Hermes who told him that Olympus was in turmoil, and had gone to war. Alex knew that this was a direct result of his actions, and had resolved himself to help defeat Hades. His first thought upon resurrection was to contact the Justice League, the closest thing to a Pantheon that Earth now held. Surely, they would be able to help him. However, as he caught up on world events, he noticed the brewing hostilities between Clara Kendall's forces, and the super community. He wasn't sure if he would be able to find his team if he tried, so the first place he decided to check in at was the Star City Police Department. Surely, they would know the whereabouts of Star City's former superhero protectors. When he arrived, however, he noticed things had changed drastically. So, Alex had been staking out the Police Station for several hours, trying to understand what exactly had happened, and deciding what his next course of action should be. His musings were interrupted, however, when an aerial transport tore over the building he was perched on, heading straight for the Police Station. The Cannons on the station responded swiftly, hurling balls of plasma at the transport, which dodged as gracefully as it could. Then, suddenly, Apollo's old teammates came flooding out of the transport and into the fray with the robocops. Alex stood up, eyes wide as he saw Ditto (A lot of him,) Several heroes he didn't recognize, and Hellfire! Excited to see his old comrades, Alex knocked an arrow. He wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but he knew what side he was on. He chose his first target carefully, knowing that once he engaged at range, the building's cannon's would target him. With the cannons in mind, he picked the one with the best angle on his position, drew back his mystical bowstring, and fired. The arrow fizzled and hummed as he drew it back, and then loosed with a massive crack and a rumble like thunder. The speeding bolt of sunfire hit the fuel-cell of the plasma cannon, and caused a massive explosion, disabling the cannon, blowing a hole in the building's roof, and putting several nearby officers out of commission. After the shot, Apollo wasted no time. As the nearby cannon's honed in on him, he leapt from his perch on the rooftop, as high into the air as his demigod legs would take him. Just as his jump took him out of the blast radius on the rooftop, it also put him at a good angle to fire off a few shots in free fall. He fired once, then twice, and then a third time, targeting the highest value enemies he could see, which at the time, were three massive cyber-mechs. After loosing a few shots, Apollo landed behind the wall of Dittos and angry werewolf snarls. His momentum caused a crack as his landing shattered the concrete and sent small flecks of debris flying. Loosing another shot over his allies heads, and into the abdomen of one of the officers, he addressed his old teammates, "What's happening? Somebody wanna' fill me in?"