[center][img=http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsf461a268.jpg][/center] [center]Faeya Davis||17||Female||Hostess||goody-two shoes Type ~Special Skills~ She is very good at making sure things get done, she makes sure everyone is entertained, she can make really good tea, she is also a great face painter. ~Odd Habits~ She is very clumsy (to the point that air trips her...) She has horrible stage fright She is terrified of scissors and sharp objects She LOVES chocolate... LOVES chocolate She hates being called cute... She punches people who call her cute She throws a tantrum if she's interupted ~Likes~ Chocolate Cute things Books Innocent flirting Drawing Playing in water ~Dislikes~ Arrogance Liars Handsy guys Someone interupting her Insects Sharp objects and scissors Theme Song (Optional): Rise- Skillet ~Other~ She is extremely short, but not a Lolita type.[/center]