Sup dudes, I'm back! What you guys don't see is behind the scenes Pach keeps prompting me to make sure my pacing doesn't go out of whack lmao. He was all "you ending the fight today, right?" and I'm all "yeah I was gonna end it today or tomorrow" hahahahaha. And tbh, his most latest post was pretty much entirely his idea lol. Anyway I'm back! It's Guy Fawkes Day here in the UK, where we celebate one guy fucking up on an act of terrorism by pretty much rubbing his poor executed dead face in it. You wanted to blow the houses of parlement up? We're gonna blow up fireworks in the sky! So anyway I went to a display with my bestie and I tell you what they went all out, it was awesome. I'm just settling down and warming myself up (because BLOODY HELL it was cold out) then I'll get started on a post :)