[b]Tyler - Plaza - Liam/Jacob[/b] Berk looked to Jacob, his night vision goggles staring in the man's direction. Tyler swallowed a lump in his throat and said, "But-- But Katie [i]needs[/i] me." She needed him to protect her from people like Berk. Tyler couldn't die now, especially not before he could ensure Katie's safety. Even if Jacob was bluffing, Tyler couldn't stand for-- "Ah..." Maybe he was wrong. It was entirely Tyler's fault that this man had gone mad. [i]Tyler[/i] had always been the one putting his daughter in danger, no matter how loud he preached about protecting her. "That's no good," Berk finally replied. "He has to see this." He repositioned the knife at Katie's neck, but was surprised when she fainted in his arms. He managed to keep a hold of her, but as if on cue, music started blasting from the electronics store, playing some sort of pop song from before the world went to hell. Berk froze at this, completely confused at what he was hearing. His hold on Katie loosened, but Tyler was still afraid to take a shot. In the corner of his eyes, he managed to see Liam lurking behind Berk. In the precious seconds it took Berk to recover, Tyler grabbed the flashlight off the ground and put it directly in Berk's eyes. The man fired his gun in response, but the shot went wide. As Berk attempted to rip off the night vision goggles, Tyler rushed forward with the flashlight. "Liam! Grab Katie!" he yelled, running with the intention of bowling Berk over. He desperately hoped Jacob would cover him if this plan went badly. --- [b]Tina - Plaza - Scarlett[/b] She nodded eagerly, desperate to get off the street. "We can check out what's causing that racket later!" Or, well, never, as it probably was no one sane bringing the dead toward them. They ran down the road and burst into the clothing store. Tina heard a gunshot over the horn echoing from behind her. She led Scarlett through the bloodstained hallway and into the department store, where they were forced to witness the start of Tyler rushing toward a man holding Katie. Tina stood in place, frozen, unable to even comprehend what was happening.