In all his thoughts, the captain didn't realize he was muttering to himself. Even as he made his way back up the length of his ship, one of the new guys heard him, and offered a suggestion. "There's a couple of peddlers that'll buy just about anything. If you really need cash, you should hit them up." he suggested helpfully, much to his own misfortune. "You're fucking smart. You're coming with me. Grab three more men and meet me in the hold." Octavius ordered, heading toward the cargo deck. He figured they could lug some samples over, sell off their cargo, and load up for bear to ensure that the taking of the [i]Powder Keg[/i] went smoothly. So while his volunteers got themselves together, the man in charge picked out the samples they would be taking. Once his menial labour showed up they were given the proper instructions, and followed their leader off the ship. Of course, something had to go wrong. The man with the paint had screwed up the naming of the ship. That was easily solved though. Being a surgeon with a scattergun, the warlord produced his weapon with a swiftness that could amaze the uneducated, and proceeded to fire one round into the mechanism that was holding the pirate's boatswain's chair to the ship. The man screamed briefly before disappearing into the drink. Several more followed to fish him out, and Captain Cuttlam started shouting. "If that ship isn't named properly when I get back, I'll hang the lot of you, so help me God!" he was red in the face, and looked the very picture of vengeance. Everyone believed him, and someone who actually knew what was going on set to directing the repainting of the ship once more. "We'll be with you in a moment." he called out to Ceres when he noticed her, suddenly calm and composed. The Shotgun Preacher then set off for the markets, with his helpers in tow, seeking to make himself some coin, and get the chase underway...