...I won't say anything on balance. I just won't. I absolutely refuse to speak on the topic. However, I will say this. In my opinion, the idea of the humans just bending over and happily letting an entire foreign alien race tell them that they suck for letting their planet devolve into a radioactive inferno of nuclear war and how to run their own governments and policies was [u]completely and utterly ridiculous[/u]. Edit: Okay, maybe I misread that a bit. You want the humans to refuse help that's being offered to them that doesn't promise to essentially colonize them. The enemy of their enemy is their friend. Refusing help out of pride is also ridiculous and Duck is essentially trying to metagame for your help and favour. In my honest decision, I would honestly say to you: These kind of things should NOT have been decided in OOC PMs - whether or not the humans accept help [u]should be strictly roleplay[/u] and their decision, whatever it may be, should be in character for them as a people.