As Sarah watched over the crowd she finally found what she was looking for. Her critters were mainly someone alone, who would take some interest to her sight (Not the perverted kind) and above all, seem rather under equipped. One man. Beretta and knife, answered to that description. She followed him with her eyes as he entered the same bar she did earlier. Sarah got up and gave one last draft of her cigarette, her second since she had been sitting, before throwing it on the ground and stepping on it. As she took her gun and machete, she briefly considered to take her empty beer and bottle of water to a trash can but who was she kidding, only civilized people placed trash cans in public location. She just left them behind her as she walked toward the bar. It didn't take long to spot the brown haired man, which she somehow could guess was an American. Obviously most mercs here had been in the army but you could guess their nationalities from that, it's something she learned by watching the french and thinking back on her experiences. European soldiers have this dignity to them, because they belong to thousand year old organizations dating back from the knights of old. Americans however were either less sophisticated or more efficient in their looks and movement. Sarah decided to go in bluntly, she was no spy and he obviously wasn't either. She walked up next to him and sat down, taking the little scrap of paper her sponsors had given her as a final farewell. "A pistol and a blade to make fortune in the heart of Africa, doing someone else's dirty business, either we're insane or the guys hiring us are desperate." She slid the paper across the bar next to him but didn't remove her hand from it. "You wouldn't happen to have a guess to what's written on that paper... would you?" She stared at him for a reaction. She couldn't really blow her cover from this, if cover there was to blow by talking to some merc in a bar. Either the man would get the message, wouldn't know what she was talking about or be so dumb, paranoid or unwilling to cooperate on this that she herself wanted nothing to do with him.