[i]Long ago, all people of the country Paik lived together harmonously. It is not known why they later split up into factions, only that they did. The Vasi records indicate that it was the fault of the Tuli, and vice versa. Each faction has a different version of history, but all agree on one thing: The Vari and some other family waged war against the rest of the country causing a great rift that could never be repaired. Now, centuries later, the factions are large kingdoms. They do not interact with each other except for once every twenty-five years when the battle takes pace. Each generation, a Volur is chosen to compete for glory and respect. These men and women almost always come from the royal family, but this Volur is always the most talented element user in the kingdom. Though sometimes there are casualties, the battle is not to the death, and the winner is named the Volukun. He or she is allowed to travel to any kingdom they wish with no repercussions. They are celebrated and remembered by their people as a hero. The battle will be held in just a few days, the Volur have been chosen and are being prepared. Everything seems to be going as planned. This year, though, the Vari have something in mind that will change the rules of the game. This year, they plan to finish what they started all those years ago. This year, the Volur will die, even if they are unaware.[/i] Okay! So, just in case that wasn't very clear, the kingdoms are based off of elements. Each one has a different element that they use (i.e. fire, water, air, etc) and they do not use any other. The kingdoms are named after the royal family (Vari, Tuli, Vesi, etc) that rules it and every generation or so they hold a competition to decide who has the best magic users. There are a few terms to remember: - Magi : Anyone who can use an element - Volur : Chosen from the magi to compete in the battle - Volukin : A previous winner of the battle The story starts a few days before the battle with everyone getting ready. Don't worry, this will only be the intro post to help give a bit of background on each of your characters before they are thrown against each other. Normally, they would be battling each other, but shortly after they arrive in the so-called "arena" (which I will describe in MY posts) the Vari kingdom will start attacking your characters. They have sent more than just a Volur to the battle and plan to kill each and every competitor before continuing on to the kingdoms themselves. I expect there to be friendships, alliances, enemies, and any other kind of relationship you can think of. Any element that is directly opposite of another (fire and water for example) will be enemies because their history books will blame the other for the war that split the country. Okay, so, here are a few examples of elements and their family names that you can choose. Please keep in mind that while you may choose an element that is not here, the name is up to me. I have a specific system for it, so keep that blank until I give it to you. Also, I will be playing the Volur from the water kingdom and the shadow kingdom. You may of course write attacks into your post, but in general I will be doing that. Please check characters before choosing an element/kingdom!! Examples of Elements: Water - Vesi Fire - Tuli Air - Ohk Earth - Maa Shadow - Vari Light - Valgus [hider=Volur of Vesi] [/hider] [hider=Volur of Vari] [/hider] [hider=CS] Name: Age: Kingdom: Position (If royalty, put this here. If they are not, then put commoner or their specific job): Appearance (Can put description, photo, or both. Prefer real photos to anime): Personality (At least a brief description): History (Optional): Preferred Weapon (Can be magic or something else): [/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/67430/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2094795]Robyn Voss[/url] - Fire (Tuli) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/67430/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2100667]Acheir-ian Darkbane[/url] - Light (Valgus) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/67430/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2100714]Raoul No'maa[/url] - Earth (Maa) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/67430/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2100769]Lux Gluz[/url] - Lightning (Valk) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/67430/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2102115]Otto Oletho[/url] - Air (Ohk) [/hider]