Evelyn stood amongst the shadows, her icy blue eyes peering out at the young ones still sleeping. Her gaze flickered to Viorica, and her eyebrows knitted together ever so slightly. Though the two women shared some taste in literature, the two did not see eye to eye on how a lady should act. And even though the red haired vampire did don a beautiful dress, her reasoning behind the feminine attire, Evelyn knew, was attention, not modesty. But Evelyn was not one to make enemies over such petty things. Viorica was surely her ally despite their clashes. Stepping closer to the newborns, Evelyn’s [url= http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b8/c6/71/b8c671305e783af2824e87009c5ef339.jpg]dress[/url] came into view. Modest and average in her opinion, as she only wore dresses as intricate as the other female’s when there was a party to attend or other some such festivity. Her hair was straightened and smoothed down her back, the lovely invention of hairspray helping her keep stray hairs from tickling her face so her large eyebrows and deep cheekbones stood out that much more. [b]”Any minute now,”[/b] she said calmly, peering at them almost in a mothering sort of way and not threatening at all. Though she was impatient to meet them too, she hardly showed it on her face in any way.