“It’s good to see you back to your cheery self,” Aldred commented, smirking at her and Sipley sneered. “My optimism is infectious, like a plague.” She quipped, not bothering to comment on his next statement about going to the mountains. The woman was slightly worried about traveling through the cold whilst missing a cloak, but figured that her bedroll could be used as one if it was dire. The woman next to Sipley spoke and Sutton snarled at her in return, hoping she would leave her alone. “I don’t need anything. My nerves are fine.” --- Sipley beat warmth back into her arms and kept a steeled fist onto her grapple hook. At a moment’s notice, Sipley was prepared to spring into the trees and take out an enemy. Hissing through blue lips, Sutton could barely appreciate the ruins that stood before her. Nevertheless, she let her fingers glide over one of the stone columns and pebbles fell to the ground from their previously lodged spaces. The architecture was admirable, of that Sipley could not lie, and she was about to say something quite witty about it to whoever was near when an arrow let loose, grazing her cheek. Immediately, the silver-haired woman sprung behind the column from where the arrows seemed to be coming from, though she was not sure. Dagger after dagger she threw, but she was blind and flung them at random. She didn’t know if they hit anything or not and she hoped that she didn’t strike down an ally because someone would get onto her ass about it. “Damnit!”