The arrows continued, slamming into the ground and bouncing off of the cover the group went behind. The archers were unseen until the natural fog which covered the mountains dissipated momentarily, revealing four figures standing above the group on top of a large ruin, each of them clenching bows with quivers on their backs. They all wore leather armor and as soon as they realized they were spotted one of them rose his fingers to his mouth and let out a loud whistle, clearly alerting others. A moment later a group of warriors dashed into the battle, coming from the side, there were eight of them, four wielding battleaxes, the others with swords and shields. They each were clad in iron armor and charged towards the group, letting out battle cries as they moved. Aldred watched it from behind cover, then turned to Lander and the rest of the group. "Take out the archers first! Those of you that specialize in close quarters combat go for the warriors!" He yelled to the group, then came out of cover, his sword held high as he ran towards the enemy warriors. In mid stride an arrow smacked into his leg, striking where there was a soft spot in his armor. "Fuck!" Aldred exclaimed, still moving forward through the pain. He swung his greatsword, lashing into one of the attackers with a battleaxe, his weapon colliding with the axe. Two other warriors, another with a battleaxe, the other with a sword and shield, stood near the one fighting with Aldred, Waiting for a chance to strike at the former Vanguard. The other five warriors went in different directions, one charging forward at Sipley, coming from her left side where she was behind the column his massive axe raised. Two others darted at Caspian, each carrying a sword and shield. The last axe wielder went at Lucio, closing in with his weapon ready to swing, the other swordsman not far behind in stride. The archers taking shots at the rest of the group, one of the arrows striking Emilia's horse in the buttock, causing the creature to gasp in shock.