[i]"With friends like these, who needs enemies!"[/i] "Put the fuckin' gun down you ass." Allie hissed, grabbing the barrel of the shotgun that Brick had pointed at Manu and throwing it to the side. "He ain't doin' nothin'. No need to threaten him!" she said, huffing and crossing her arms. "I appreciate your attempt at help but it aint helping." she said, glaring daggers at Brick as the larger man continued walking, holding the shotgun with one arm. "The guy's got a gun! I'm not takin' any chances. Everyone's hostile until proven otherwise." He said, staring straight ahead at the man, not daring to take his eyes off of him for a moment, for risk of him pulling something. He slacked a little when Emmanuel dropped his rifle. "He doesnt have one anymore. Calm your tits." Allison said, scooping up Manu's rifle for safekeeping. Unbeknownst to the three, Tony saw the whole thing go down, and in the middle of cursing Brick's name and wondering how Allison put up with the Aussie bastard, he had to restrain Diesel as they approached. He stepped out of the woods and had his pistol trained upon Manu. His other free hand was raised in the air in a fist. Next to him the Rottweiler trotted out of the bushes, but remained behind him, waiting for the fist to drop. He had seen the man move his other gun through his rifle's scope. "What the hell are you two doing?" he said, keeping the gun trained on Manu, but looking toward Brick and Allison as he spoke. He wasn't worried about the man pulling the gun. Diesel would be on him like white on rice as soon as he pulled it, and be would beat him to the trigger because he was less than ten feet away. "You two said you were gonna warn him, not bring him back! This isn't a damn turtle you can find and ask your mother if you can keep." he said, scolding the two. Allison glared daggers at Brick, who in turn gave both of them the middle finger. "And you were so busy arguing with your little loving dispute you missed him move his gun." Brick stiffened at this, and Allison moved to the side, just behind Brick. "He only has one, he gave it to us." Brick began. "Bullshit, there's another in the front pocket of his jacket." Brick made no response, instead he sighed, and took the gun from Allison. He tied his shotgun to his backpack, and stepped forward and walked around Manu, placing the gun on the ground for him to take. He stepped back and next to Tony, and motioned for Allison to follow him around, which she did, moving a little too quickly around Manu, showing she was nervous. "Listen mate, we got off on the wrong foot." Brick began, taking off his sunglasses and pulling down his bandana. Tony quickly cut in, knowing his younger friend would fuck it up somehow. "What my friend Brick here is trying to say, is that you can part ways now, and that'd be the end of it. No shootin', no nothing. You got your stuff, you know where the walker herd is, you can go on your way." he said. Allison, who had taken her bandana off at some point as well, spoke this time, it was almost like it was planned. "If you want, you can come along with us. We got plenty of supplies. We're no settlement but we can make room for one more if you'll be willing to help us scavenge when you can. There is [i]some[/i] safety in numbers." There was silence for a moment, the ambiance of the dog softly growling fading from the background "Or I could ju-" Brick began, only for Allison to back hand him across the face. Brick backpedaled and fell on his ass and clutched his face. "Why would you DO that?" he whined, Diesel had come over to him by this point and had prompted begun to lick Brick's face. "Gah! Fuck off dog! No kisses!" he said, pushing the dog's face away. The dog's tongue lolled out of it's mouth and it panted. It had temporarily let it's guard down, seeing how it's masters hadn't given it any orders throughout the exchange. "So whaddya say?" Tony said, knowing that it was best not to argue with Allison on her decision making process or to let her offer to shake hands first, as she'd probably spit in her palm and expect Manu to do the same. "My name's Tony, this is Brick," he said, motioning to the man on the ground petting the dog. "And this is Allie." he said, motioning to the young woman who simply nodded her head, to Manu. "His name's Emmanuel." Allison commented. "Well then," Tony continued. "It's a pleasure to meet you Emmanuel. You got a nickname?"