Ok So I read the posts And um I saw Duck's "I was just a joke!" And um Well First -3000 relation with Dictator-Duck, to be like Mount&Blade Warband and uh I burst out laughing I coughed really hard Gagged a little bit Cause like I was, actually, kinda ok with Duck Then that happened and uh yeah Really, Duck? I mean REALLY? Dude ... REALLY? I mean Honest-to-god REALLY you're going to say that shit Then you're literally going to make excuses and say you're way better And then you'll say it was a joke? That you were going to use your overpowered goddess to take care of one of the major threats? Like Fucking goddamn REALLY? KeyGuy, would you join if I started an alternate version of the Star Empire series and exclusively banned duck from having anything relating or pertaining to gods, goddesses, magic, or heavy defenses? Because I honestly would like to see Duck finally WRITE like the rest of us, instead of just curb-stomping and getting angry when it goes South. Also, if I stay, KeyGuy, would you like to enter the little alliance between me and the Convergence? Cause I'd like to curbstomp Duck later. I didn't really dislike Duck before, more like i was just aggravated, like a little kid who keeps bugging you, but now like Jesus christ. "Tell them fuckers to back off and you want to fight on your own!" like.... jesus. And you made him Co-GM [i]again[/i]?