[quote=duck55223] It has no effect on the RP since said thing was a joke.Oh and how about I mention Keyguy's whole surround Alas Prime with a large fleet and declare a Terran Empire, before much the same as me saying it was a joke? [/quote] If I go about during World War I and scream that the draft is a means to destroy the humanity of the world, and police officers move to arrest me for treason, do you think they will stop because I said, "Sorry guys, it was a joke, just a joke, nothing going on here." Duck, don't even. And KeyGuy couldn't A) Get to Alas Prime, since that is a great distance away that requires FTL, which almost none of his ships has B) have the fleet to do so, since your shields are better than everything C) beat you in the first place, because you'll bring in everything you can, even nonexistant everythings, to win. Fergus = humanity's leader. What he says will probably happen. Kill him, and humanity will NEVER bow to Equestr- Iscandarian rule, and you will NEVER be able to have Earth unless you commit genocide and kill everyone on it!