There it was, the panic, the fear the utter confusion, it was not unlike a sweet nectar to him, or a perfume of the finest quality, all he need do was sit and watch with that unearthly smirk on his features and his hands folded on his one raised knee. The boy sputtered like the blocked spout of a whale and fell from the bed with all the grace of a rock, even then though the demon sat and watched, listened to him clumsily spill over words and panic. A silence then settled and a yelp as the boy's bare back touched the cold handle and this, this had the demon laugh. For a moment a flash of sharp teeth and a dark black serpentine tongue flashed before a more human guise of flat little teeth and fleshy tongue took their place. The laugh was not wholly pleasant, it was the type that could make the bravest men's skin crawl, dark and rumbling and with a hint of malice matched by few that weren't sociopaths or psychopaths, something, a danger, flashed in his eyes and then with a blink of lashed lids it was gone. The tall but athletic figure unfurled from the seat as one might imagine a tiger or dragon might, standing with a powerful grace before taking a few slow steps towards his master, his wicked eyes glinting darkly in the ill lit room which seemed to quietly hum with energy and power with each flicker of the candle light. "The how is simple, I carried you." His voice was warm and deep, rich in context with a rolling purr that almost hinted at an accent and it of course sounded oh so familiar. "The What, why it is an inn room, I did not know where you lived so I carried you here." Each statement was punctuated with fluid smooth steps, unhampered by the nudity of his body, proud and confident and yet oblivious. "What happened, oh now come come, you know that." He was within an arms length and one long arm shifted form his side and began to raise, "As for [i]who[/i] I am, well now. that is up to you, isn't it?" Standing not feet from the boy he gave a sweeping bow from the hips, his raised hand crossing against his stomach and chest as he did so. "Friend or foe, saint or sinner, saviour or damnation, angel...or demon." As he rose he tried to take the boys hand and spin him effortlessly as one might a dancing partner back to the middle of the room. "For now though lets start with something simple, a name."