"Damned humans, they call this tinkering!?" Mitonk hated tinkering after Humans, they couldn't get anything right he thought looking at the large and bulky contraption that was several times too large. If a Gnome had done it, it would be smaller and more efficient. Now he was stuck down here in the sewers having to fix some idiots mistake and the the sewage was rising at what seemed to be a noticeable level. "Lets see what we got." Pulling out is tool box and Gnomish army knife, with every single tool and swirly known. Plus a few extra's of his own. Examining several of the levers hitting a few with his wrench, and few more times. Scratching his goatee and then a sudden light bulb went off. Jumping up trying to pull the outtake lever down. Hanging several inches of the ground trying to pull it down jerking with his minuscule weight. "Infernal contraption." Letting go he went down flipping the magnifying lenses on his goggles up to investigate further. Utilizing his Gnome army knife pulling out his poking stick. Poking around both sets of gear boxes to see what the problem was. One major part is the idiots had lubricated the gears and its was grinding the gears shut. Poor lack of maintenance seemed to be the most logical conclusion that Mitonk came up with. Of course if was Gnomish it would last without maintenance throughout the ear and keep going. "So that's why. They cant check on it and keep it greased. Bah.... Humans so typical sometimes." Pulling out of his tool box an odd look cylindrical shaped bronze can, his handy dandy grease in a can. Well grease by products but it worked just as well and it provide some lubrication until he could actually fix the problem. Which would require new gears, new crank shafts, whirling gizmo's, lots of man hours, and who knows what else if there were any more problems. Which he figured that there would be but it was paying a job and he needed....wanted a drink. It would also be his first descent paying one in ages it seemed like. "There we go hehe...." Jumping up grabbing the lever once more, the lubrication worked except the gears were wrong and the passageway for the sewage slammed shut and the back up pressing against the gates. Letting go and trying push it up it was stuck, not budging as the onslaught of sledge kept building up. "BACKWARDS! Why in tinkering would they put it BACKWARDS!" Sputtering out curses in Gnomish. "I will fix the problem." Grinning ear to ear as the most devious idea slid into his head. "This will fix the problem and teach them a lesson at the same time." Rummaging threw his tool box looking for specific items, tossing a few peculiar things out with regard of the volatile nature. Climbing the adjacent later down in the sewage ducts, placing four large bronze tubes interconnected by linen fuses. Throwing the end of it back up by his tool box and crawling back up. Re-assorting his Gnomish army knife and his tool box before lighting. Catching a glimpse of figures approaching but ignored if for the moment as a struck the fuse and it started ticking.....fast. "Run the other way." Mitonk shouted. With his tool box in hand running towards the figures and all of a sudden BBBOOOOOMMM!!!. An explosion big enough it rattled the ground so violently that it almost knocked him from his feet.