[quote=Caits] Kalinda was silent again. She listened as they talked, and then said softly when it seemed there was a lull "if there is paper on this plane, can't you bring it to you? If not I do happen to have a unique way of moving about undiscovered" she said with amusement, shrugging [/quote] Kijani smiled a bit to Kalinda. "I can bring it to me- but that's assuming there isn't a wall, a pane of glass, really, anything in the way. It'd be much simpler for me to run and get it in person, and save my energy for a true fight." To Flood's overreaction, she calmly stepped forward and laid a hand over his, gently pushing the gun down. "Easy, easy, Flood. I'm sure there are parachutes. The plane may not be necessary... and thinking about it, might actually be a rather bad idea. Magneto is certain to have a tracking device installed in it, so it would be like painting a target on ourselves."