The rest of the ride went by silently. It actually reminded Ramiel of how things used to be. Black was never one to talk during car rides. He figured it was because of a different reason this time, but still it was a slightly comforting feeling. As soon as they got out the man made a note of where they were. This was clearly the school, and they would be returning quite often after all. The two other students said their goodbyes, and off they were. Finally the two of them were alone. Or as alone as you could be in a public street. There was so much he didn't understand yet about this 'world of the future', so Ramiel was just looking around as he waited for his master to be done. Though before he knew it she was walking away. It was a familiar feeling to have to chase after his master. He couldn't help but grin just a tiny bit before quickly following. After a while they stopped in what looked like a shopping district. Though he couldn't spot the shops he expected. Like a bakery, or a general store, or a pawn shop. Instead this place was dominated by clothing stores, something that looked like a machine store, and several places he could swear were bars. Yet teenagers were going inside, so that wasn't possible. In fact, they were standing right in front of one right now. They even served food apparently. So definitely not a bar. Once Ada sat down, Ramiel sat next to her, resting one of his arms on the back of the chair behind her. For what seemed like minutes, but was probably seconds, there was only silence. But then suddenly she started talking about her doubts about all this. It made the man a bit worried, and slightly disappointed with this age. Today's youth didn't seem to be as strong willed as before. He felt it was his duty to try to calm her down, but he didn't want to lie either. Starting off a potentially long lasting relationship with lies wouldn't end up well. ""To be honest, I'm left with almost as many questions as you." He started, trying to form what he was thinking into sentences as he spoke. "Do you remind me of him? I don't really know yet. Sometimes I think it does feel a little familiar, but we've only just met. So it's hard to tell. As for memories, I don't know for sure. Mister Black was the genius, I was his servant. I did learn a lot, but not nearly as much as him. What I can tell you is that I trust that man with my life. He was the kind of man that, if he set his mind to achieving something, he would manage to do so sooner or later." He smiled at her, only realizing that he felt this way as he was explaining it to her. Whatever happened next, he would trust in his master's decisions. "So I trust- no...I know he knew what he was doing. And that what has happened between us, wasn't an accident. I honestly can't tell yet if you are or aren't Black's reincarnation. If you are, all I can tell you is that something must intentionally be blocking those memories. And if you aren't, you will still remain my master. Because I believe that's what Black's intention." It was still a lot to take in though. He could remember the first time he was summoned to this plane of existence. In his world, where magic energy originated, there was no true concept of consciousness. You just existed and did your thing. Similar to ants in an ant colony. But then, suddenly, when he appeared in this world, there it was. Full awareness of everything and oneself. It was an overwhelming feeling at first. Maybe this was something similar? He looked slightly more serious as he continued, though still kept a slight smile. "Whether you are or aren't his reincarnation, I am your familiar now. So why don't we put the past aside for now, and get to know each other a little better first? We've only just met, after all. If it helps, you could just see me as a family heirloom." (His name is Ramiel, not Rimiel, by the way. ^^;; )