Sarah shook Sheppard's hand firmly. "Sarah Verwoerd." She then took her last water bottled to crack it open and nodding before taking a sip. Of course their target would be illusive, else they wouldn't have sent an international commando to take him down. "Actually yes. I've thought about it while I was sitting outside and I don't think our approach should be to go after our little insect friend right away, we don't know any local and I'm guessing that he hasn't survived so long in here by being stupid either. No, we should go about it in reverse." She turned around and drew an invisible line. "These people want war, obviously, and each faction is supplied by the same man. Monopoly, basic economics. I've worked here before and I know the likes of these warlords. Vicious and with absolutely not an ounce of honor or loyalty. So I what I say is we give them this war they want and put one of the cockroaches seeking to rule this colony in our debt. Any African would keep their money if they could betray a friend for it, especially if they have no use of him afterward. And why would they? When they've won they can all create their little utopia and who cares, the point is that they won't need more guns anymore so the Scorpion becomes expendable." She took another sip of water and shrugged. "Plus we can account on the others and my guess is that ultimately they will also realize that you need to have someone guide you to our target and that this can either be achieved by bribing, which not one of us can do at the moment since civilized currencies have no real values, or calling in debts. Anyways it's a matter of barter. I'm sure we'll be able to run into them. These mercs are amateurs for the most part, at least nowhere in our league. I'm guessing we'll just have to listen about any exceptional deeds and voila, we will be able to track them and make contact." Sarah took a long look at Michael without any expression on her face, trying to somehow see his background from his looks. "I genuinely think that this is the best course of action. So I do hope that you have no problem with doing morally ambiguous things. This is Africa, I'll take a guess and say that most of the people we will have to kill will be wearing a T-shirt and using an AK and that we will have to kill women and children, perhaps even take part in ethnic cleansing. If you aren't a racist right now I assure you you will be when you leave. If you do actually leave."