Caspian sighed, he was able to safely get behind cover before any of the arrows even cane near. Whoever was up there had the advantage over us, they could see us, and that had a long range weapon to use. If some one could close enough the the sniper without getting hit, that would give them the advantage. Caspian was just about to recklessly run out into the open when he heard the battle cries of a warrior coming from his left. Caspian immediately pulled out both of his blades, readying himself for what was to come. They came over the hill towards they, some with swords and shields, other with axes. The little group broke and began to run to the locations of the other. But 2 of them ran at Caspian, and he was ready and waiting for them. Before they could get close enough to use there swords, Caspian ran up a large rock and jumped over the men. Landing behind them he thrusted his blade into the neck of one of the men, and danced out of the reach of the second man to prepare for another attack.