[quote=Magic Magnum] There's no guarantee they won't.But if they already have some drugs that might be enough incentive to start buying stuff like decent food.I'd rather take the chance though than condemn people to starve because of a substance they choose to take. [/quote] Because if they end up buying more drugs, we may end up being partially responsible for their death. This is the central issue with welfare. It is money seized from another person by force. It does not belong to the recipient. The state and the electorate have the absolute authority to set conditions on its use. Therefore, it is the drug user's fault for consuming the drug and not our fault for not giving them money they to all fair minded people have no rights to. Nothing is more uncomfortable than food withdrawal anyhow. If we wanted to make all welfare recipients listen to 3 hours of Tom Jones' "What's new, pussycat?" I wouldn't have any objection. Being on welfare should cause almost as much if not more government-caused distress than men with guns making you fork over money to pay for the welfare does,