Welcome To Avalon. The voice ringing through your head shakes you awake. You know you fell asleep, and you know just as much that your in the "dream." This time however you're somewhere else though it still seems familiar. The air is cold and sharp, the ground hard and chill. After some time looking round its possible to recognise where you are, the huge mountain you flew up to in your dreams. all around the edge are massive plinths, Huge Dragon Skulls held in position by golden clasps. Suddenly one of the skulls lit up. "Greetings Humans From The Land Of Steel. Welcome To Avalon." Its voice was powerful and sonorous. "I am Athus, Dragonic Spirit of Light. I will be one of your guides in these times." He spoke, The soft golden lights in the skulls eyes pulsing in time to his words. Opposite to him another voice spoke. This one was female, and smooth and flowing, almost liquid in its tones. "Yes......Greetings Mortals. I am Nyx, Dragonic spirit of Darkness. I will also Guide you" Suddenly each skull lit up introducing themselves, Name and what they represented. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, Dark, Dream, Sky, Lightning. Even Time. All of the great elements were represented here. after the cacophony of introduction a brief silence fell. Giving the friends a chance to look round and appreciate the view. They were on the second highest peak of the entire range. The clouds were below them no snow was on the peaks for miles around, peaks rose from the clouds. Only one put the plateau the friends were on to shame. This mountain reached high enough that even from their current position they couldn't see the peak. But that wasn't what captivated their attention. Carven....No, Embedded Into the stone itself was a Dragon Skull so huge that it was clear it was taller than most modern day skyscrapers. "What....who is that?" One of them asked, shocked and nervous. "That Is-" Stared one of the dragon spirits. [b][u]"I AM AVALON. CELESTIARCH OF THE DRAGON SPIRITS. GOD OF DRAGONS. THE CREATURE FOR WHOM THIS WORLD IS NAMED AFTER"[/B][/U] The words, Unlike the other dragon spirits, did not emanate from the skull, but from the very world itself, The cliffs shaking with the voice It is clear that it was this voice that first called the friends to Avalon. The power of the voice forced those friends who had stood on to one knee. even if they didn't want to fall they were forced to one knee. The skull itself, when speaking blazed a pure white, not from the eyes, but from the entire skull. "Well. That's the first time AVALON has spoken in several hundred years." Said Incarail the Dragon spirit of flame, you could almost hear the capitalization of the Dragon Gods Name. "Now now Incarail, Lets not dally any longer. We summoned them here for a reason." The chilling voice of Chion the Dragon Spirit of Ice. "Yes, Time, Ironically is ticking away." Aion the Dragon Spirit of time commented. There was a flash of energy from each Dragon Spirits and arranged on two racks were a selection of eggs, Both large and small. on the opposite side of the plinth was a sizable selection of weapons. "Now, A word of Warning before you chose. Each Dragon has its own personality and own appearance. They will be their own dragon as much as your dragon." Nyx warned gently. "In addition, Be aware, Each weapon has its own powers and costs. chose wisely. Lest you be stuck with something you despise." Cylon, The Dragon Spirit of the skies warned in his universally breezy and somewhat light hearted voce. "More will be explained Later. Including where you are, And how you got here. But now, chose your dragons and weapons." Incarail insisted.