[img]http://i.imgur.com/AmxI4Io.png[/img] [u]Cuttersbury - Drych Lake Spa[/u] The fight was over far too quickly, and everyone pretty much disappeared after that. To be fair he had chosen to come to this particularly treatment room near the end of the corridor. He can't remember what he asked for to be honest. He rubbed the back of his head while wrecking his brain for the answer. Still it was starting to get a little lonely even though the attendant left not too long ago after treating his injuries. The peaceful silence made him very uneasy. He desperately wanted company. Jett flexed his hands experimentally followed by his fingers, but only his thumbs were able to move freely. He frowned. Opening the door was going to be so hard. He decided to try and sleep instead. The rookie flopped onto the bed. He closed his eyes for two seconds before he sat up again. Nah! He’d definitely prefer to look for the others, especially Gnar man. There was plenty of time to sleep tonight. The novice dashed over to the door and fought with the knob for a good ten minutes. His hands kept slipping off thanks to the wads of cotton and thick bandages. Irritated, he gave one last tug, his hands slid off again, and he fell backwards onto his rump. Jett crossed his arms and tilted his head to one side. “What’s that?” The curious Guilder hurried to the window. Failing to notice anything, the man wiggled his way out of the window and flopped onto the grass outside. He looked upwards. It didn’t take him long to recognized the brightly feathered bird was perched on the branches. He grinned as he addressed the parrot. “Hey there, Captain! Where’s your friend?”