Yes! I totally missed this thread these first couple of days, but I am happy to see that more people from the guild are doing NaNo. Just like Genkei this is my third year doing it. Won the first two times so I am hoping to keep that going. I am currently at 10.252 words meaning I am right where I should be. ^^ Also I agree with mdk. NaNo sounds scary, but when you get going you'll actually find out that you can get those 1667 words done. And if you are really in a pinch you can always use of the many things NaNo offers you to help you like WordSprints or WriteIn. Or drag all your friends in it as I did. Having a group of people to talk with about your story helps a LOT. You'll find new ideas and new way to figure out what to write next. Let's keep each other motivated ^^