Isabella's dreams had imagined this world quite often, only this time it seemed so much more real. Her dark almond eyes glared around at her entire group of friends that had been with her that night, [i]"I guess everyone fell asleep."[/i] she thought to herself as voices filled her ears of the dragons that ruled this land. The ground shook as the voice of Avalon brought everyone to their knees. Strange, she actual felt pain as her knee hit the hard ground of the mountain in which they stood. Next, they were summoned to pick an egg and weapon. It seemed that in her dream she had a few of her friends go first, grabbing both an egg and weapon. [i]"Figures, even in my dreams I can't get first pick."[/i] she growled, picking herself up and skimming over her choices. The multiple shades of green caught her eyes first, and she grabbed the heft egg without hesitation. It sat cradled in her arm like a small child as she strolled over to the weapons. [i]"Wouldn't it be funny if I picked an Axe?"[/i] she thought to herself, a smirk across her face. Her red bandanna, and outdoor attire had made her feel and appear as though she was a lumberjack. Grabbing the axe, she bent over a bit- she hadn't expect it to be so heavy. [i]"Oof."[/i] she exclaimed, swinging the axe up and resting the handle on her shoulder. This dream was already more strenuous on her body than any dream she had experienced before. Quickly she found a spot next to her friends that had already picked their choices.