Unfortunately the rest who had to act weren't able to react in time to get off their own attacks before the creatures decided to act again. Seeing as how the Swordsman had already wounded Elik, it continued its assault on the shield-bearer player, attempting to cut him once again with its rather crude looking shortsword as it chittered angrily. Fortunately for Elik, the first of its swift slashes missed, hitting Elik's shield, but it was swift enough with the blade to immediately attempt a thrust in the next moment after the slash had been blocked. The first attack had been easily blocked, but the second one was a bit tricky. Due to how close the two of them were, it was hard to block, especially at such a close distance where Melee was indeed the most effective. So unfortunately, the blade managed to slip past Elik's guard, managing a nasty thrust into his torso, dealing only 9 damage this time since his resistance to physical damage had been strengthened by the skill Physical Endurance. [hider=Skill Get!] A Skill has been created through a Special Action. Through the practical use of a shield to block blows in combat, the ability to better utilize shield, Shield Expertise, has been created. [/hider] [hider=Shield Expertise] Shield Expertise (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Passive): You are proficient in using shields. +1 to Shield Rating of all Shields. Also +1 Accuracy when attacking with a Shield. To Level Up: Block an Attack, Attack with a Shield, Unknown Training Method, get a Critical on an Attack with a Shield. [/hider] This Skill was a bit different than the other one Elik had received. For some reason, one of the methods to train it wasn't displayed, being displayed as an Unknown Method. Perhaps it would open up later, but for now it was unclear as to why this was the case. The archer, in the meantime, decided to once again target Meiji, aiming its bow at her and letting off yet another arrow. Unfortunately unlike the previous arrow, this one found its mark deep in her shoulder, the pain being quite real, a red wound visible on her like the ones that had been made on Elik or the creatures they were fighting, no blood for certain controversial reasons. Upon getting hit thougn and enduring the 5 HP damage that the arrow did, a window would appear before her. [hider=Skill Get!] A Skill has been created through a Special Action. By enduring physical pain, the ability to better do so, Physical Endurance, has been created. [/hider] [hider=Physical Endurance] Physical Endurance (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Passive): +1 Constitution, +5% HP, +1 HP Regen. Your ability to take physical damage and recover from it more quickly. To Level: Take Physical Damage, Take Massive Physical Damage, Endure a Mortal Blow, Endure a Critical Strike. [/hider] The players now had their chance to counterattack as well, and hopefully nip this fight in the bud lest the first quest end in failure.