Kaya suddenly woke up to some sort of commotion. As she opened her eyes she could see Tovren, Dakin, Agurios and Brisa run off. For a moment the girl tried to remember at what point of the night she fell asleep but for some reason she could not. Everything that happened seemed a little vague, even for the girl who could remember every detail. As she blinked her eyes she knew she had to make a decision. Follow the boys or Brisa and the Orc. As she walked outside she noticed how the militia captain's son ran off towards the gate and how Brisa moved in direction of the village leader's house. Instantly Kaya decided to follow the only other girl in the group. As Kaya followed Argurios from a distance she noticed that nothing had changed. The eerie silence and absence of people still hang over the village of Twiddledale. Even the wind held its breath. As the young girl walked around the corner she noticed how the Orc boy approached the young girl. Regardless of his wild appearance and clumsy manners Argurios seemed to have his hearth in the right place. None the less it was a kind of funny sight to see the body shake the girl with his Orcish strength. As her eyes looked around she noticed the corpses on the wall of Aheric's house. The village leader, Dorn and Autry where all pinned to the wall. Hanging there lifeless and cold. For a moment she stared at the scene. Memories of how she played for Aheric on his last birthday crossed her mind. She could still hear the man's kind voice as he told her that he was honored that such a skilled minstrel would play for him on his birthday. Both Dorn and Autry lived a more secluded life and she did not know them personally very well. None the less, she had spotted both on rare occasions listening to her as she played. As anger and pain filled her hearth Kaya could feel a tear running over her cheek. For the first time she started to get really worried about the fate of her family and Aeden. What happened to them and why are Aheric, Dorn and Autry pinned to the wall. As more questions filled Kaya's mind she felt her resolve grow. Someone had did this to her village and they were going to pay. Kaya was going to find those responsible for taking her family, her friends and her kin and put them to justice. The girl closed her eyes and pictured the scene in front of her. Three corpses pinned to the wall. What does that tell you. They where meant to be found. A message or a warning but for who? Did the person or people knew that some children would survive or was someone supposed to find them. So much questions went through the young girl's head that she almost forgot that Brisa had lost her mentor. That girl must be in so much pain and grief right now. Kaya carefully approached Brisa and Argurios and kneeled next to the girl. "Are you alright Brisa?" she asked gently.