Alexander looked round, both curious and worried, his first instinct was to walk over to Phi and gently pinch her arm. then promptly do the same to himself. "OK......" He pondered out loud. "So pain exists in this world" he muttered, walking over to the Egg Rack, looking through the eggs he sighed, each seemed brighter than the last, trying to call his attention one way or another. eventually he found one of the smaller eggs, somewhat more muted, than the others, but non the less usual, seemingly made of metal shards, held together by purple strands of energy, the egg itself seemed a lot heavier than it should have been. "Oof. and so does strain and weight. lovely." He muttered. walking over to the weapon rack next he picked up a decent sized mace, giving it a few hefts he smiled and picked up the belt that was with it, allowing him to clip it to his hip. "this actually feels Real." walking carefully to the edge he lent forward a little and looked over the edge. quickly stumbling back. "Woah-k" He muttered settling in the middle and looking slightly shaken. "Guys, I don't Think We're Dreaming." He announced after a bit more muttering to himself.