“The fuck?” To say Mushi was surprised would have been an understatement, as the enemy being able to understood what he had said was frankly shocking. The implications that anything they said could be understood by their opponents had horrible implications, but none that he should be contemplating about at the moment. It was good to see that, despite his warning going awry, the goblin hadn’t managed to cover its eyes in time. He scowled when the creature stumbled but didn’t fall from Elik’s follow-up though, a red gash signifying the damage it had taken. Stepping in as the goblin countered with its own attack, Mushi managed to close in to almost point black range when its focus was on Elik. With his wand only a meter or so away from the creature, Mushi muttered, “Magic Missile,” quietly as not to alert the creature. He couldn’t be sure, but as he felt what he assumed to be his mana drain away, he guessed he’d used up a bit more than half his reserves.