Seeing the others take their egg and weapon, Berkley followed suit. She hummed quietly to herself, scanning through her options. Her eyes landed on a quite peculiar egg. It looked as if there was a fire inside, or maybe lava? Intrigued, Berkley cradled it in her arms. Next, she walked over to the weapons. She was never the type of person to endorse violence, but it looked like she had no choice in the matter. Pondering hard, she found herself stopping at a white hammer with golden outlines. Its handle was wrapped with a red cloth that matched her cloak. She felt a pull towards it, and before she knew it, her hand was wrapped around the war hammer. Berkley didn't think she could even carry the massive thing, but she tried. To her surprise, the weapon was as light as a feather. She brought the egg and hammer back to the group, arriving in time to hear Alexander note, "[b]Guys, I don't think we're dreaming.[/b]" The girl's eyes sparkled. "You mean this is real life? Oh that is so cool! That means those are real, right?," she said, pointing her hammer at the skulls - she didn't have a free hand, using her newly received weapon to identify what she was talking about.