Appearance: [img=] Name: zillean montoez Actual Age: 24 Gender: male path: sorcerer, more or less Weapons: a large quantity of potions and poisons, ranging from healing attributes to poison that causes a sudden sexual interest, but they only work of living things and are all mixed up most of the time. he also has a blow dart and smoke bombs in case. Spells: immunity to many poisons and a fast regeneration ability Career: doctor and works to help create antibody shots Personality: a very oddly and wacky character, always referring to himself as 'the great' and usually talking in the third person and just a strange way as it is. He is also a very determined worker, seeing as he is willing to stop what ever he is doing to test a new experiments in the blink of an eye, as well as testing on himself. He has strange obsessions with the human body and is suspected on testing his potions on other people, though he never would do so. Above all of this he is a happy-go-lucky man who always rises to the occasion, and happens to be a surprisingly useful when looking for work. Other: never takes off his mask as he has long since messed up his face.