[center][img=http://images.cooltext.com/3986766.png][/center] [u]November the Second, 1857, 9:15 AM.[/u] It has been three months since The Game Master started his Murderous Rampage across London. And now, The Game Master had made another move in his twisted game of death and insanity. Last night at exactly 11:40 PM, The Game Master had violently slaughtered a homeless drunk in Watchmaker's Hill, a park on the outskirts of London. The man wasn't found until 8:00 AM of the next day, at which point, the Constables were summoned. Signs of The Game Master usual modus operandi were discovered by the Constables that had arrived on the scene, a man's head replaced with a smile-carved pumpkin is very hard to miss. [i]"Well, This is a mess."[/i] Constable Grayson looked at the grim scene as the other Constables marked off the area for Investagtion with Police Tape and were doing their best at keeping the crowds and reporters away. Stopping one of his men Grayson asked [i]"Was there any ID on this man?".[/i] The Constable pulled a small wallet out of his pocket. [i]"This was on the man. No ID, and a Quid"[/i] [i]"Thats Strange."[/i] Grayson told the Constable, [i]"Most men and women we find killed either have some form of ID or someone to reconise them, but this time we don't"[/i] [i]"Sir, we found this man here. He claims to have seen The Game Master. His name is Jonathan Godswell."[/i] another Constable then said with Jonathan standing behind him. [i]"Godswell? You mean like Alison Godswell, the fifth person to be murdered by this lunatic?"[/i] Grayson turned to Jonathon and said [i]"I am terribly sorry about the loss of your sister, my good man, but if you've seen this so called 'Game Master' and can give us a good enough discription of what he looks like, we'll have him caught and in the gallows within the month"[/i] Jonathan looked at the Constable he had been instructed to talk to [i]"Well in all honesty, I wasnt able to get a good look when I happened upon the scene, all I was able to make out was a figure shrouded in darkness. I didnt really notice anything about him but I was able to see the corpse and knew right away who it was. when I went to chase after The Game Master, he took off and seemed to fade into the surrounding darkness."[/i] [i]"That's just what I thought. Hmm."[/i] Constable Grayson said. [i]"This is the perfect time to get the team togther. You!"[/i] he called out, pointing at another Constable, [i]"Call Sir Lakeview and his associates".[/i] [i]"Yes sir"[/i] the Constable responded before running off to contact Lakeview. As the Constable ran, a large psychotic grin stretched across his face. [i]"A team of detectives, eh?"[/i] The Game Master said to himself as he continued running, the high collar on his police uniform hiding the unnaturally large grin on his face [i]"I wonder how this will affect the game?".[/i] The Game Master then stopped grinnig as he reached a phone. He picked it up and dialed the number for Sir Lakeview's office. [i]"Hello, young miss"[/i] Constable Game Master said to Lakeview's secratary, who had answered the phone [i]"Could you please tell Sir Lake view that he and his associates are need by Constable Grayson at Watchmaker's Hill,"[/i] [i]"The Game Master has struck again"[/i]