A series of interconnected short tales in an oriental backdrop where spirits, both benevolent and violently mischievous, cohabit with mortals. Each story will be centered around around a certain teashop of Chrysanthemum Avenue, where merchant caravans and storytellers frequently pass through on the way to the town square. Inside the teashop are elaborately painted silk panels, expertly made tatami mats and delicate china, the whole area smelling of various teas and incenses as masked patrons discuss their lives and go through the revered rituals centered around tea leaves. Translucent rice paper let through the light outside as rain patters off on the slanted roof. A sea of kimonos, haori and yukata tint the neutral area with all the colors under the sun, bringing life to the otherwise elegant but austere set of rooms. Outside, sturdy yet exquisite umbrellas are held over elegantly groomed heads, the way of appearances crucial to all when in public. A dense fog coming from the sea nearby permeate the area, lending the light rain it's cover. The chant of cranes and the faint sound of a Guqin lending a strange harmony to the sound of rain and the hushed silk in the crowded streets. The City of Flowers, in the Moon Province, welcomes you, that you may be a stranger to these lands of a lifelong resident of these paved streets. The first tale we will explore is a matchmaking event, where polite conversation is held, tea prepared and drunk and countless preparations for the Courting Ritual made, for only ten days separate us from the Lover's Festival...