[b]Council Building, Washington D.C, USNA[/b] The Council Building stood proudly on part of the former National Mall, a long, wing-like skyscraper. It was the first modern skyscraper in Washington D.C, and could be seen from nearly any location. It was truly the center of the government, with luxurious apartments for the council members built into it. The lower floors were a museum, detailing the history of the city and the USNA. An observation deck occupied half of the top floor, an augmented reality display on the windows identifying a host of different buildings for the tourists. The other half was a restaurant, which was also equipped with an augmented reality display. In the center of mass of the building was the council chamber, a circular room with dozens upon dozens of seats for the council. A central podium was reserved for the president. Cameras monitored the room, broadcasting every meeting to screens directly outside and to televisions across the nation. Not that anyone outside the building actually watched it, it was simply a way to keep the citizens happy. After all, a government that let's you see everything it does has to be a trustworthy one. Today, the observation lounges were packed with visitors. There had been rumors that the President was going to announce another one of his plans. He always did it at the end, though, so everyone had to sit through hours of boring conversation. After what seemed like an eternity of discussing industry growth, economic recovery, the constant threats of Louisiana and Aztlan, the meeting was finally almost over. The President tapped his mic lightly, silencing the council. Clearing his throat, he began to speak. His tone was friendly, yet carried a feeling of confidence, and a slight hint of excitement he could not hold back. "People of the United States of North America!" He said "We have multiple space stations in Earth Orbit, and a respectable fleet of spaceplanes to preform maintenance, launch sattelites, and other such duties. In other words, orbit has been conquered by humanity. A great achievement, for sure, but there's something strange about all this. We control orbit, and astronauts travel there casually, but does anybody in this room remember the last time anyone set foot on the moon?" There was silence, as nobody in the Council was old enough to remember a time so long ago. To them, it was just history, not something that had happened. Instead, it was a thing they read about in history books. Despite his age, the President spoke as if he remembered, his voice seemingly filled with nostalgia. "The answer is no. That fact shows that something is wrong, something that needs to be set right. Therefore I challenge the American people to finally go back, to do what we swore we would do for so many years. Never before have the stars shone so brightly in the night sky, never before have they seemed so close! So I challenge this nation to reach out, to prove that we are [i]not[/i] just a shadow of the old USA! We will let the word know that we are no longer the gazelle licking it's wounds! And we won't stop there! This is no stunt, we are going back, and we're going to stay! The world will know that we [i]are the true America![/i]" The speech was met with resounding applause, and the President saluted the Council, stepping away from the microphone. The Minister of Foreign Relations followed him out, she was about the same age as him, with brown hair and just slightly taller. She had a thin body, and no part of it was an exception. The look in her large, grey eyes was like that of a child in a new place for the first time. She'd lived through the war alongside Fergus, the two met at a meeting of... like-minded individuals in a back alley. Ever since then, they had been like brother and sister. "So, got any ideas on the fusion reactor?" She asked cheerfully "Yeah, looking into geothermal heating so we actually get power out of it. I still want cold fusion, but you've gotta climb the ladder to get to the top. Say, have you heard about the situation in the British Isles?" "Yeah, why?" "The UK, the former government there hasn't given up yet. I've been there on multiple occasions, and I can tell you for a fact that the people there cannot be happy about the EC being in control. Despite that, they are in control. You and I both know that's wrong, and you and I both know what we're here for. What all of us are here for." "You want to help them?" "Yes. The people here would support it, besides, I'm the hero that fixed the economy. We all know what happened in the thirties with Germany, whoever fixes the country fixes the hearts of the people on themselves. They wouldn't object to liberation, it's nothing that hasn't happened before. The difference is, this time it won't result in a corrupt government and lower living standards." "I have to agree, it's the right thing to do, and we can do it. Should I send a message?" "Yes, I'm giving you full control over the issue up until action is taken on it by the UK. At that point, obviously, we'll all be involved." "Oh!" She said, raising her index finger. "What is it?" "It's that woman, Miss Sora says she might have a lead. A charity worker in Paris fits her description, quite a coincidence, considering the EC wants to hold a conference there. A perfect excuse to look for her." "Well, looks like we're going to Paris." [b]Dispatches[/b] [hider=Message to the EC]"Mr. Conrad, this is Minister of Foreign Relations Catalina Adela, representing the United States of North America. We would be delighted to participate in the meeting, you can expect the President to come as well. I will be waiting for a date so we can be prepared."[/hider] [hider=Message to the United Kingdom]"Queen, this is Minister of Foreign Relations Catalina Adela, representing the United States of North America. We suspect that you will be trying to take back the British Isles at the EC conference. President McClain wanted you to know that you have our full support on the matter, no matter what happens at that conference. They are your rightful territory, and the fact that the EC controls them is simply wrong."[/hider]