She ran down the street frantically trying to figure out this alien planet. Why was there not much plant life? Had she landed on a planet that did not rely on the life of its plants? As her feet hit the cold ground she tried to block out the taps she could hear with every connect. As she ran she could see other creatures like the ones before, but they did not seem to notice her as much. She stopped running to stare at them. They all moved as a group from one place to another without looking up or at each other. They were so concerned with the little things they held in their hands. She started to notice then that the big things that were bright also moved in the same fashion. She could predict were they were going except for every now and then one would turn down another path and another would join in. A shout caught her attention quickly. She looked back at the female of the species. She seemed to be yelling at her. Gel’Linnea took a step back from her. She did not understand what she was saying, but from her body language she did not seem to be angry. Still… she slid her feet back preparing to run away if the need arose. She watched her motions; she seemed to be pointing for her to go somewhere. Gel’Linnea looked away from the female for a moment in the direction that she was pointing. There did not seem to be anything there that was different than any other place. Suddenly a new sound ripped through the air above them. She looked up to the sky at the things that flew over head. Her eyes widened as she saw the scene that was unraveling before her. There was something wrong with this planet. Gel’Linnea looked to the female that was in front of her. She seemed to have the same reaction she did. So this was not normal. Quickly and gracefully Gel’Linnea made her way to the female and took her hand. She was somewhat surprised to find that her hand was so much warmer than her own. Her people were more plant based, so they tended to be cooler than most animals. “Fuuha” [i]Come[/i] She said before she pulled the girl along with her in the direction that she had pointed. Gel’Linnea pulled her along in a run. They weaved in and out of traffic and crowds until they got to the park. Gel’Linnea did not release the females hand as she walked into the park. Once they were far enough in that she was comfortable Gel’Linnea released the woman’s hand. She walked over to the water and placing her feet in letting the cool water wash over her. Now this was much better. She let her feet sink into the soil and branch out. She was rooted into the ground now. As she absorbed the water the light blue marking on her skin became more visible. The nutrients from the soil made her skin become more of a healthy green color, at least for her people. Now that she was feeling better she looked to the female again. Her eyes were still changing colors from a dark brown to a sapphire shade of blue.