Anrah was the last besides De Winter to follow Viorica. The feeling to submit was really beginning to bother her and she felt extremely on edge. She had felt De Winter's calculating gaze on her and tried to act as though it didn't bother her. When they reached the new room, Anrah watched as Angel gave her questions to the woman and made sure to be ready to get between them in case things go south. She didn't sit. She stood with her back to a wall so that no one could sneak up on her. She couldn't help but wonder if she was this paranoid in life. She had to admit that the two women's laughs alone set her on edge, but going about with no memories or ideas on how she became who she was just left her feeling all the more defenseless. Her inner musings were brought to an abrupt halt as her stomach gave a particularly hard twist. She couldn't help the groan that escaped her lips as she clutched her stomach, doubling over and sliding down against the wall as the pain wouldn't cease. Her eyes were twisted shut but it seemed nothing could curb this feeling of her stomach tearing itself apart.