[b]“I don’t need anything. My nerves are fine.”[/b] The Assassin sneered at Bregil. Bregil just shrugged and turned to Emilia. [b]"It's good to meet you Nyx, and you as well Bregil. It's good to have another Healer along for the journey. Maybe later we can compare notes?"[/b] Bregil nodded, “Absolutely!” Aldred called that it was time to head on their way. Bregil stood and grabbed her bow,arrows and satchel. When she got outside she whistled for Faervel who ran up to her. She gave him a pet as she followed the company. Some of them were riding horses, they were beautiful horses. Bregil was nervous to start this journey. It was no longer just talk she was heading out now, she wonder what kind of dangers and adventures she would face. She smiled as she trudged on. They walked for a while till they reached some ancient elven ruins. Bregil looked at it in awe. Suddenly arrows started to descend down on them. [b]"Get behind something! Keep moving towards the entrance!" Aldred yelled.[/b] Bregil and Faervel ran behind a large rock column. She peered from behind it to try and see where the arrows were coming from. She grabbed her bow getting ready to shoot. At that moment iron clad warriors came out. She tired to concentrate on summoning a large force shield. She was having a hard time trying to summon one large enough. [b]"Take out the archers first! Those of you that specialize in close quarters combat go for the warriors!" Aldred yelled to the group.[/b] She broke her concentration and shot an arrow towards and archer on a ledge above the ruins. Aldred let out a yell and Bregil looked over to see him take an arrow to the leg. “Damn it,” she cursed looking back over the ledge and shooting another arrow. “Faervel stay by me and keep covered.” She tried to concentrate again to summon a force field large enough and yet again she couldn't do it. She let out a frustrated yell. Useless absolutely useless. “I've got good news and bad news,”She shouted to Aldred. “Good news is I can summon a force field, bad news is it can only cover two people, three tops maybe. Who do you want me to cover?”