[b]Name:[/b] Melissa C. Winter [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider= Melissa][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/yYaUpwc.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Background:[/b] Melissa lead a very academic life up until her transition into the military. She major'd primarily in mathematics and history, taking a particular interest in historical wars and the strategies they employed, her studies and research delving back as far as the Han Dynasty era of China. It was her intention to eventually teach after becoming a scholar in her chosen fields, however as she grew up she found her chosen life path to be lacking in something which she couldn't quite put her finger on. It was latter on during her growth that she would discover the thing she was missing was merely excitement. After signing up to the military in order to circumvent her life's lack of excitement, she set herself on a new path to secure a position within Intelligence, using her transferable skills from her civilian life in order to progress her career through many tests and exams along the way. It was then that she was flagged up by headquarters for possessing a higher degree of IQ necessary to participate in a new programme which was being funded and backed by the government. The programme was simply named ANTI which stood as an acronym for [i]Adaptive Neural Technology Interface[/i]. The idea behind this programme was to successfully link the mind of a person with the technological environment around them using a prototype chip which required surgical insertion above the necks vertebrae. Once the insertion was complete, the subject of the programme would be able to actively engage with technology on a higher grade of understanding, being able to circumvent security protocols and hack into most machines without much difficulty. Subjects were able to make use of external functions, being able to tap into security camera feeds which would appear in their visions HUD display before then being able to manually shut it down like they were some kind of universal remote. The results were promising and for many of the subjects it appeared to be going well. Melissa was put against more tests via the programme and seemed to progress with above satisfactory results. This eventually lead to the second part of the programme which was when she was introduced to the first Sovereign class mobile platform. Using the same technology used for the infantry drop ships the mobile platform was fitted with a set of thrusters which worked to keep the machine suspended in free space, using a complex system of propulsions to move itself around the field. But what was more, was that the interior of the platform was specifically designed to cater to the ANTI chip, providing the subjects with an environment they could essentially bend, shape and even personalize through the use of their newly installed interface. Each of the subjects which remained after the testing periods were assigned one of these platforms before being deployed in the field for further testing. And it was here that Melissa began her career in the field. [b]Rank:[/b] Unspecified - Equivalent: Tank Commander [b]Unit:[/b] Unassigned [b]Role:[/b] Multi role / Intelligence / Support [b]Gear:[/b] - ANTI Chip - Assault Rifle - Hand Gun - Combat Knife [b]Sovereign class mobile Platform:[/b] [hider= Mobile platform][img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/014/6/e/dreadnought_by_vonmurder-d2fj71o.jpg[/img][/hider] The function of the mobile platform is very similar to a main battle tank, however unlike MBT's these machines operate from safer distances in order to offer support to surrounding units and allies. The SMP utilises an on board radar as well a a geographical mapping satellite in order to gain immediate advantages during combat situations. An SMP Commander will liaise with unit officers on the field in order to keep them updated on enemy positions and changes in the terrain which would benefit the unit. The SMP may actively engage in combat with it's on board offensive and defensive countermeasures, however the SMP should never be deployed in direct combat as it is not designed to withstand concentrated amounts of fire. Ground and Mech units armed with laser designation tools will be able to utilise the SMP's medium range rockets, enabling ground forces to call in a barrage of fire power to a designated area. In addition to that, they might also be able to designate a position within the SMP's firing line, enabling use of it's main cannon specifically designed to deliver singular punches of devastating fire power. Lastly to note is the SMP's frequency boosting abilities which will enable clearer and further communication between ground forces, using itself to catalyst the signal. The SMP requires only a crew of one, as long as the individual is using the ANTI chip. [b]SMP Arsenal:[/b] 1x Main Cannon 1x HMG (Mounted on turret) 2x Anti Infantry LMG 2x Rocket pods / Laser guided 2x Chaff pods Short range radar Thermal Camo armor Frequency Amplifier /Jammer Satellite uplink [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] I hope this is ok, I tried to bring something new to this. I wasn't sure how technologically advanced this is either so I've tried to keep it relatively even.