[img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/M_zps3c47da98.gif] Anise took note of Arin's hesitation when he gave her his name, but she nodded once to acknowledge his response before giving him hers. Something felt off about the young man, but then again everything about this place was off. He gave a weak response that didn't stop her at all as she charged back down the path she had just come from. However, Anise's steps faltered and she didn't make it far. Since when could she see so well in the dark? She glanced upwards, she couldn't see any moon through the leaves of these trees, and yet she could see just fine. She saw the house with the candlelight, houses meant safety, but someone lived there if there was a lit candle. Would they let someone come in? She shook her head twice. No. She had to find and help Randold and the girl. She looked around the path. Something had changed. This made her hesitate again. Where was that tree? She hadn't gone that far had she? She had only run in a straight line... right? She heard the girl's scream again on the fork to her right. This had been a straight path, right? Her instinct was to follow the scream, but the direction felt wrong. Then again, she had stopped and turned around a bit. Where was the broken lantern tree? She scanned around for her high heels that she had kicked off for some sort of reference, but couldn't find them. She cried out at the top of her lungs. "Randold! Other girl! I'm coming to help!" She felt odd calling out someone by their sex instead of their name. Back in her castle she had known everyone by name: her maid, the guards, the stable boy, the other maids, her father, her mother, and many others. She waited briefly for a reply before she slowly and cautiously headed after the scream she had heard. Her heart pounded so hard she thought that it might end up jumping out of her throat.