Mel was quiet on the hike up the mountain. Her mind wandered to her friend Eargen, wondering what his fate ended up being and if she could ever see him again if it was favorable. Everyone was quiet, though, so Mel didn't feel so bad. The only exception was Lucio was quietly humming in rhythm, which was a welcome break from the howling wind. --- Their trip was relatively short but the wind was finally subsiding and the blinding effect of blowing snow was clearing just enough for the sun to shine nicely on the patch of green in front of this ruin. Ruins were something Mel knew and they were about the only thing she knew about civilization, barring her experiences with Eargen. Her father always favored them as place to rest for a night. It was the seclusion and as he told her, "the fear here keeps those eyes away". He always had a fear of other people but Mel never managed to figure out why. Whatever the conclusion of that train of thought would lead to, it would have to wait. A clung of iron hitting iron and a commanding shout, shook her awake. Aldred desired for everyone to take cover. At first, Mel didn't react but with everyone scurrying behind rocks Mel sprung into action. Mel threw off her bearskin cloak, even letting go of her metal staff, before clapping her hands together. The earth started shaking around Mel and suddenly a large spire-shaped silver colored stone burst through the ground. It was wide enough to protect at least four people, standing shoulder length apart. Mel lightly leaned up against the spire and watched her comrades scurry about. Arrows strafing everywhere, her comrades hastily trying to fire back. It was a bit amusing in a non-serious environment but now was not the time to not be serious. Swiping her hands through the air, she whipped the wind up just enough to blow away the gathering clouds that cloaked parts of the mountain, showing the culprits to the arrows. Four archers and Aldred commanded that they die first. Mel could do that. "I'm on it!" She shouted with a hint of excitement. After she finished, she began shrinking. Feathers began popping out from her skin and her feet closed in. The form she had taken was a little white woodpecker. She fluttered her wings a bit before taking off in the air. The white coloring should have made her tougher to see with all the snow on the ground and the rather overcast day. Using that cover, Mel flew around and eventually behind the four archers. She was still hovering above but she dropped and began swooping down. Halfway before landing, she began morphing back to her own form. It was choreographed perfectly as the moment she had finished morphing, she landed right on feet. Wasting no time, Mel clenched her fists, flaring fire from her closed palms. She swung both fists, sending a two waves of fire at the archers.