Lucio wasn't much use against the archers, he didn't have a way of fighting back against long range attacks. He could avoid them for a while, but everybody slipped up eventually. He was going to have to rely on the others for the time being. That's when the warriors appeared. Eight of them total. Three went to Aldred, three went to other people. And two went for him. One with an axe and one with a sword. While backing up and still trying to stay out of the archer's range, Lucio switched the dagger to his left hand and unsheathed his sword, holding that in his right. The axe wielder was ready to take a swing. This wasn't good, Lucio was a fighter who relied heavily on movement and now there wasn't much space for him to move in. Every single step had to count and be perfect. Or else he was going to get hurt, or worse. He stepped to the side and avoided the swing from the axe, only to have to jump back to dodge the sword. An arrow flew past his face, slicing his cheek open. A few more dodges and he found his opening. The axe wielder over committed to his swing and lodged the axe in the ground. The bard danced forward and drove his sword into the gap of armor between chest piece and shoulder armor. Angling it perfectly to pierce the heart. A graceful roll got him out of the way of another sword strike, only he rolled straight into an arrow. He cried out, more in surprise than anything as the arrow lodged itself in his right shoulder. He reached up and snapped most of the shaft off, leaving enough that it could be removed later on. He'd deal with it later, there was still one more guy to take out. Ducking a high slice aimed at his head, Lucio moved forward so that he was face to face with the swordsman. He drove his dagger up into the man's throat, though he could have used his sword his right arm didn't need the stress at the moment. The man let out a gurgling noise and then dropped. With both his opponents dead, Lucio turned to see how the others were faring. Making certain he was in the cover of the rock as to not take anymore arrows.