An arrow slammed into one of the archer's neck, killing the man in with a splurge of blood shooting out from the wound. The three other archers turned as they watched Mel, as she appeared behind him they tried to drop their bows and reach for melee weapons but they were too late as the flames hit the three of them, burning their skin alive, the archers screamed in pain as one stumbled off the edge, smacking into the frozen ground below. The two others dropped dead in flaming heaps. Meanwhile below, the first warrior went down as Caspian's blade drove through his neck, the enemy's companion swung low at the pirate in response, trying to knock Caspian off his feet and into a vulnerable position. Aldred was nearby and was locked in a battle with another enemy, he went low as the opponent swung his battleaxe high, Aldred then swung the blade into the man's hip, slicing through the armor with ease, causing a howl of shock to emit from the warrior as he went down. "Figure it out yourself, I'm a little busy!" Aldred said to Bregil as he went towards the other man who went after him, his greatsword making contact with the shield, the power of his swing causing the enemy to stumble backwards, almost slipping over. Three enemies now stood including the one he was attacking, One closing in one Sipley, another locked in battle with Caspian. "Try to take one alive, I want to know what they were doing camped up here." Aldred said in his commanding voice as he avoided a swing from the opponent he was in battle with, the man clenching his shield on the other arm. He always hated fighting shield users, they could be tricky.