[First Post] Jarvis Pentaphraxis Stats: Assets 5 / Power 0 / Production 1 / Influence 5 / Charm 5 [center][i]Narrative Notes for Familial Posterity[/i][/center] A mere twelve hours have come to pass since I was borne upon the shoulders of the poor to a position I would like to say I was ill-prepared to refuse. Alas, I have been rigorously instructed in recognition of the greatest weakness of character a man may posses - the rejection of one's own subconscious, however ugly it may be, covered instead with sweet lies to justify any action they take. A man is comforted and sheltered behind these curtains of untruth. He ultimately does himself a disservice with an ever-increasing tangle of delusions within which can no longer be uncovered his true intent. That is ultimately where humanity is lost. No, I do not delude myself, and neither can I lie to my father. As our eyes met what already seems an eternity ago, streams of conversation and argument passed between us in an instant - each of us knowing what the other would say as if seeing themselves in a mirror. He merely said a single phrase, one which sliced to the heart of my actions and posed a clear question. "The man exchanges his knowledge for a glass of wine". Did I deceive myself with excuses and rationale, or did I comprehend my own motives and accept them as the weakness that they represented? Was I to remain human or become an animal? "Father, I will play the game of life to the hilt. I cannot dance upon the edge and be satisfied when inevitably cometh my demise by that knife". The small nod, and flash in the eyes gave me the unnerving certainty that he was seeing himself before him. The path that he himself had not taken, and the inevitable regret what all house heads had written of in their journals. [hider= Message to the Council (pointedly not in reply to Madame Greywind)] Fellow Councilors, Although swift and decisive action will have the greatest impact, we cannot allow our reason to be blinded by crisis. Many know well that a crisis cannot be allowed to go to waste to further their agenda, and greatest attention and scrutiny must be paid to those who actively seek power during these times. I propose to delay election of high council for these reasons until seasons hence when we have a clearer understanding, not shrouded by emotion, of where each of us stand in our intentions for our homeland. I ask of my esteemed peers to join me 12 hours hence in the council hall to preside on what is likely to be the a turning point in Dakhen history. Let us assure that the path taken leads not to the utter ruin that the old King brought our great Pillar to. There, at the momentous gathering, I will unveil my road to stability and security. [/hider]