[b][center]Shinichi Kyousuke “and we’re walking…"[/center][/b] Shinichi’s mouth moved in a way that could only be thought of as a smirk when Kamiria responded to his question. [b]”We’ll aren’t you just a little spoil-sport today?”[/b] he responded with an obvious amount of sarcasm. [b]”I’m just kidding. I just thought you’d bring something different to occupy your time. Not even a ball of clay to mess around with? You’re gonna be sooooo bored.”[/b] at this point he was just teasing her while Niji went and got ready to take the lead. It seemed as if the second he finished his dialogue with Kamiria, Niji had grabbed the paper and began reading it, obviously needing to know where they would be heading. [b]”I know Niji, I know. It’s definitely been a long time since we’ve don’t something that wasn’t just a training session.”[/b] Shinichi looked over to Niji after speaking and found that Niji had already buried her face in the map. [b]”We’ll if I’d have to take a wild guess on when our last mission as a team took place I’d probably have to say at least a few months. That’s just a rough guess though.”[/b] Shinichi obviously didn’t care if the question was rhetoric or not. The second Niji began moving Shinichi followed, allowing both his students to go ahead of him. He wouldn’t be there for them forever so now would be a good time for them to practice their map reading skills which understandably would be more difficult for Kamiria. The walk would take a while so Shinichi thought it’d be best to start briefing them a little more at the beginning of the walk, mostly just to kill some time. [b]”Alright you two, listen up. We’re heading to Kumotta Village, a good amount of home were left standing so we really don’t have to worry about that. I believe the main focus will be repairing stores and I assume helping in finishing the village council building which I’m mostly assuming has been nearly fixed at this point.”[/b] Shinichi surveyed the land in front of them and beside them and wasn’t met with anything special. Obviously they were heading to land at a lower altitude at the moment but Shinichi was sure that soon enough they would be heading back up to higher land soon enough. Ahead of the trio lay a plethora of mountains and what some could explain as a carpet of foliage as most of it seemed to rest below them, further down the mountains. [b]”Of course we might have some deliveries to make but for the most part I expect this mission to be rather straight forward. I know you want a little bit more action Niji but this one might be a get-in-get-out type of scenario”[/b] he wasn’t going to lie to them, it defiantly was exciting to be out on a mission again but this one just seemed slightly boring. A few minutes passed after the mini-briefing and the walk was already starting to become a bore. If it wasn’t for the nice scenery Shinichi would probably find himself doodling while walking. [b]”You know…it’s kinda weird”[/b] he spoke up out of nowhere. [b]”It seems that our little team is always rather repairing a city…or watching it fail”[/b] a moment of what he assumed was confused silence fell on the team. [b]”We were all their to watch a village suffer by the hands of Genkai’s men, all from our little basement hideout…and now, almost two years later we’re here, reversing the actions of irrational foot soldiers who followed Genkai’s orders. It might not be the same village but it’s still weird how it seems little missions like these are what bring us together again rather it be due to health reasons or months of individual training, we always end up back together, picking up pieces”[/b] Shinichi remained looking forward as he spoke, not having any reason to look around anymore as there were still relatively close to Kumo, probably an hour away by now and that’s when walking. [b]”I’m sorry.”[/b] he left a small break assuming that Niji and Kamiria would ask for the reasoning behind the apology. [b]”I’m sorry you both had to endure those dark times. I know as ninja you would need to see the evils of the world soon enough but…but that was too soon. I’m sorry you both saw what you did. I’m sorry you saw Kumo in the state it was in, I’m sorry I couldn’t do more”[/b] once again that regret for not doing more came back to Shinichi. He left the life of evil with hopes of creating a better future for the next generation and Shinichi still believed he could have done more. So what if he intended to form a small rebellion after saving a village from his basement hideout? So what if he helped rebuild after Genkai was long gone? He was a day late and a dollar short and by the time he could do anything Genkai was long dead. ((I know its been *cough-cough*a month or so*cough-cough* but hes a post, hopefully the length justifies the wait. I will post with Kato later, just a heads up for anyone who cares))