I'm feeling better today. I think I've been going through some caffeine withdrawal from eating all my Halloween candy (which was all chocolate, thus caffeine) in about 3 days (totally worth it). [quote=Mizos] ...I know what Warhammer is... [/quote] Not many people do. I happen to love 40k (it's universe and lore more than the tabletop game), so I apologize if I went a little overboard on the details. I am very much a cat person, so I can attest to the effectiveness of that cure [s]even if he is a little furry dick sometimes[/s] I still love him. I was dancing with him earlier this morning (and by dancing, I mean I danced and he sat there). When I was told [i]A Game of Thrones[/i] was a detail rich book, I was definitely not ready for it. I'm about 300 pages into the book (out of 800), and from looking at episode summaries of the TV show, I'm only to episode 4 or 5. Reading the books before watching the show is turning out to be a much greater challenge than I originally thought. ಠ_ಠ