All of this was quite confusing. Isabella gripped the handle of her axe, her eyes gazing around to each individual face of the people she was just beginning to really call her friends. They looked too real. As voices began speaking opinion and thoughts Isa couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and reality she had never sense in the dreams they had shared earlier. Something about this was unseeingly real. Isabella's train of thought was interrupted as slender arms wrapped around her in an excited embrace. [i]"Umph!"[/i] Isabella huffed as she was taken aback by Sally's tight hug. That had never happened in the other dreams, but the touch was encouraging and comforting. She was lucky to have such a good friend by her side, as well as the encouragement of her other friends. Watching Sally come back and sit down, Isabella joined her- taking a seat upon the ragged land. "Hey so what is going on?" Sally asked [i]"I'm not really quite sure anymore."[/i] Isabella cooed, her axe now resting at her side as she watched her friends begin to gather eggs and weapons, and come into terms about what was going on. This was only a dream after all, perhaps it all meant something about their friendship.