As Donald was running for his dear life through the tunnels, he could hear the Night Elves coming closer and closer. Reaching a slightly larger main tunnel, he immediately turned right just as an lethal arrow whizzed past him through the air, missing him only by a couple of inches. Yet as Donald lay onto a full sprint down the larger tunnel, he suddenly saw a smaller figure up ahead. He did not have much time to contemplate on the nature of the short creature that he had just seen in the tunnel, before an ear-deafening large explosion filled the tunnels, throwing a shockwave straight through the tunnel, followed by a thick cloud of dust! Donald stumbled as he was hit by the shockwave, but managed to restore his point of balance just in time to avoid falling as he scrambled along the dirty sewer wall. [i]"What in the light's name was that!?"[/i] The dust that had filled the tunnel made it hard to see more than a few meters ahead of him. As Donald continued forward, he was suddenly able to see Mitonk through the cloud again as the human passed right by the smaller Gnome. Staring further up ahead, closer to the center of the explosion, Donald spotted a small hole in the wall that had been opened by the explosion, but was slowly collapsing together with bricks and dirt falling out from around it. In that moment, a light appeared in the assassin's head! "Thank you, Gnome! But you should probably run!" Donald suddenly exclaimed to Mitonk, giving the Gnome a pat on his shoulder just as he passed him. The assassin continued and ran ahead before he leaped through the small hole in the wall, which seconds later finally collapsed and sealed the exit behind the assassin.