Currently making some decisions as to how I'll be doing the art for the game, and that's delaying me doing your CSs. Deciding whether I should do arms/hands like I did in 'The Game' where there are no arms and hands just float around, decreases realism a bit but also lessens my workload and I am liking the look of it on some of your characters. Also having to decide what I'll do with Broby's char and dark-skinned characters in general, as I hadn't really planned that out yet. In the meantime, you all can vote on what situation you would like to start out in. 1. Around a town/city. You'll all start out in your own way at different places in a town/city area. You'll have a city to explore but if you want to group up or find quests you'll have to do a little searching. 2. Purposefully Cliche start. You all start out in an inn. You'll be able to easily find each other and there will be obvious quest opportunities available. This inn will be along a road, not in a heavily populated town/city, so you'll have to do some travelling to reach one. 3. Hardcore! You all start out at different points in the wilderness. You'll have to do some travelling to reach civilization or group up, but you could do some immediate solo adventuring and monster fighting. 4. Mid-Quest. You'll all start out together (Come up with your own reasons for how you grouped up) already mid-way on some sort of quest (Likely not too long of a quest).